At Willamette Valley Cancer Institute, we strongly believe in protecting and improving cancer patients’ rights. Learn more about the legislative and congressional activities in progress. Multiple organizations, including WVCI and US Oncology, work closely with state and federal governments to protect cancer care and increase patients’ access to the highest quality care.

Contact your elected officials

If you don’t know your senator’s or representative’s phone number in Washington, D.C., you can call the U.S. Capitol switchboard. The phone number for senators is (202) 224-3121. The phone number for representatives is (202) 255-3121. This site is also a great source for Oregon Legislature contact information.

Effective communication

Most of the time, pursuing advocacy involves little more than making a phone call or sending a letter or email to express your opinions to your legislator. Messages are particularly effective when they highlight a specific piece of legislation, such as insurance coverage for participants in cancer clinical trials, or minimum hospital stays after mastectomy surgery. US Oncology and other organizations are constantly monitoring federal and state level cancer-related legislation, and serve as excellent resources to help you stay informed and take action.

Organizations that support patient rights

National Cancer Institute

Patient Advocate Foundation

US Oncology LegisLink