Cristina Richards at Willamette Valley Cancer Institute

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Cristina Richards

Practice Administrator, North

Dedicated and thoughtful, Cristina Richards furthers our commitment to providing patients compassionate, high-quality cancer care at our Corvallis clinic by leading many aspects of our administrative efforts.

Cristina has a master’s degree in health administration and informatics and has been working in the health care field since 2001. A natural problem-solver, she is both creative and contemplative when she sees an area that can be improved. She also enjoys being part of a team with a singular goal – to help people during one of the most trying times of their lives.

“I love studying something, getting at the roots of an issue and thinking outside the box to reach the best solution,” she says. “The joy is in the ideas that flow—good and bad—and the “ah-ha” moments that a team shares, as well as the hard work it takes to realize the fruits of your labor.”

While you may not see her on the front line of the care we provide, Cristina is working strategically behind the scenes to support those who help our patients directly.

“I get to step back and look for ways to improve the patient experience. I play a role in making sure our structure is present, our community knows we are here, and our clinic has the resources it requires to offer excellent care to our patients.”

Cristina’s oncology work began at the onset of her healthcare career, working as a nursing assistant at an adult bone marrow transplant inpatient unit.

“The perspectives and triumphs that come out of this field of medicine are tremendous and life-giving, even in the hardest of times,” she says. “During my past experiences at the bedside of oncology patients, I vowed to always work toward ways to make a difference in the patient experience, from setting clear expectations for treatment to making sure patients have a warm, clean and calm environment to heal.”

When she’s not working, she loves spending time with her family. “My family is my pride and joy. My husband and I have two children – a boy and a girl. They keep life busy and interesting. Watching them grow is a gift.”

Outside of spending time with family and friends, she enjoys writing, music and exploring the beauty of Oregon. Hiking and kayaking are among her favorite outdoor activities. She also serves her church through participation in its women’s ministry and tries to help in other areas whenever she can.

“Oncology taught me very early on that even though tomorrow is not promised, today is here for the taking, and how you spend today is what counts. I do this work for the patients I served many years ago and the ones I have yet to meet.”